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Don't Mess With Your Look

What's your signature style? Whatever it is, we'll tell you why it's in your best interest not to change it.

Make Bed To Feel Happier

Wake up in the morning and make your bed! Take a listen and find out why it's the best way to jumpstart your day!

Female Body Language Mistakes

Studies say women have weaker body language in the workplace. Find out which body language trends you should try to avoid.

3 Ways To Improve Your Relationship

Looking for a pick-me-up with your partner? Watch these three tips to strengthen your bond and love for each other.

Eat Slowly To Lose Weight

Dietician recommends taking a full minute between bites -- but does anyone have time to eat that way?

Teach Children Money Habits Early

Find out how early kids can start understanding the value of money, and how to help them develop good money habits.

Don't Get In The Car After A Fight

A traffic expert explains what goes on in your brain when you drive off in your car after fighting with a loved one at home. Does driving calm you down? Or are you more aggressive on the road?

Dating Profile Enhancement

How much is too much when it comes to doctoring your profile pictures?

Meeting Up With An Ex

If you must discuss something with your ex, one kind of meeting threatens your current partner more than another, according to Cornell researchers. Find out how to keep a meeting with your ex from coming between you and your partner.

Which Is Worse? Candy Edition

Find out whether black or red licorice is worse for you, and if yogurt-covered raisins are better for you than their chocolate-covered cousins.

Which Is Worse? Healthy Food Edition

Get more nutrition intel on pairs of healthy foods: Kale vs. spinach and salmon vs. tuna.

Which is Worse? Fat & Sugar Edition

Find out whether you should stick with a chicken caesar salad or a chicken sandwich, which alcoholic drink to stay away from and which peanut butter is sneaking extra sugar into your diet. 

Women In Happy Relationships

New research reveals what once-a-day habit women in the happiest relationships do.

Scientific Signs Your Relationship Is Good

A new study identifies 2 signs that your relationship is probably built to last.

Whistle While You Work

This activity has a calming effect, but use it before, not during, a meeting or interview.

5 Guys Who Won't Make You Happy

Whether he wants to rescue you, use you or just be adored by you, these are the men who will never be able to make you happy.

Increase Your Brainpower

New studies reveal 3 things to do each day to strengthen memory and boost your brainpower.

The Latest On Germs

Dr. Germ reveals the most common places we pick up germs every day at work, in stores and at home.

Rating Weddings On Yelp

We rate the service and cuisine at restaurants, the helpfulness of store clerks and the cleanliness of motel rooms online, so why not rate the weddings you attend?

Yummies Spend More

Learn about the shopping habits of 20-something men, and why they're called "yummies." And they're marrying later than ever.

Which Is Better? Pick-Me-Ups

You'll hear some surprising answers to questions about which is better: Walks or naps, lemon or peppermint, running or crossfit class.

How To Live Like A Dog

When it comes to role models for health and diet, look no farther than your dog. They exercise, eat on schedule and know how to stay happy.

Hungry Dogs are Easier to Train

Top dog-training tip: The best time to train your dog is when it wants something from you, especially food!

Pets Teach Us to Live Better, Longer

Secrets of longevity we could learn from our pets include stretching when we wake up. Learn some other top tips here.

Is a Retirement Home Right for Your Pet?

Research reveals more animals are going to pet retirement homes when they get too old, or when their owners die or can no longer care for them.

The Secret to Inner Calm is at the Zoo

Feeling stressed out? Blood pressure's up? The cure may be as close as your local zoo or aquarium. Find out why.

Praying For Friends Cures Tension

How praying for, and thinking about, someone in a positive way can de-fuse tense situations and reduce relationship tensions.

The Top 3 Signs You're Obsessed With Your Dog

A fun new survey reveals the top 3 signs that indicate you're absolutely obsessed with your dog.

Learn Better Relationship Skills From Your Dog

Some key relationship skills to learn from your dog include not holding grudges, and being happy with life's little enjoyments.

Why Bonding With Our Pet "Kids" is Healthy

Many people refer to their pets as "my kids." The latest research shows that this close bonding is a positive thing for your brain.

Chubby cat? There's an app for that

Find out some amazing new apps for your phone or tablet can help your cat have more fun and feel fitter and younger.

Why More People Are Adopting Ducks as Pets

Find out the many benefits of duck ownership and why they are becoming the hottest new pet trend.

Love Me, Love My Dog!

Did you know that your love life can be affected by how you respond to your date's dogs, and how you relate to your own pet.

Dealing With Your Dog's Sleep Problems

Is sleeping with your dog a good idea? Find out some canine sleep issues that may be keeping you awake.

Olive Oil Is Fascinating to Dogs

We love relaxing with aromatherapy, but how about our dogs? A top vet reveals how they respond to smells, too.

The Secret to Finding a Lost Dog

Dog experts offer some surprising new tips that will help you bring your lost dog home.

Are You Stressing Your Kids at Sporting Events?

We'll tell you why kids can feel too much pressure from parents who attend their athletic events.

How Dim Lighting Helps You Connect With Your Teen

Studies explain why dimming the lights for a discussion with your teen allow for a more productive talk.

5 Sounds Kids Today Don't Recognize

A rotary phone and a typewriter are just two of the common sounds of yesteryear that today's youngsters wouldn't even recognize. Find out what the next 3 are!

Why Photography is Becoming a Lost Art

Thanks to cell phones that take pictures, this generation's photo albums -- digital or print -- are now completely stuffed with close-up photos of our own faces. Learn more about how selfies are killing photo albums.

Lose Weight By Grinning Before You Eat

New research proves that smiling raises your mood, and feeling happier before you begin a meal actually helps you eat less.

Signs You're a 'Lawnmower Parent'

We've heard of "helicopter parents," but psychologists say "lawnmower parents" are even worse. Find out why constantly smoothing the path for your child isn't doing her any favors.

Do You Share Too Many Baby Photos Online?

New parents post so many photos of their new baby that they're being un-friended in record numbers. John, Connie and Gid talk about why people hate this "oversharenting."

Are You a Forgotten Sibling?

New survey reveals that second, third and subsequent children are almost ignored in family photo albums. Do these "forgotten siblings" suffer for it later?

How Grandparents are Changing the World

The coming "grandparent explosion" is likely to raise the academic skills of a new generation. Find out what grandparents do with kids that many parents don't.

How 'No-Rescue Parenting' Helps Kids Become Responsible

"No-rescue" is the latest parenting trend, as more and more parents are discovering that bailing kids out every time they forget something does not help.

How Calling Your Kid a Genius May Warp His Life

New child psychology research reveals that constant over-the-top praise isn't good for kids. Find out how other kids react when a classmate feels superior.

Experts Say Weird Toddler Behaviors are Normal

Weird is actually pretty normal when it comes to toddler behaviors, from putting everything in their mouth to imaginary friends.

Why Men Shut Down During Arguments

Women always knew it, but here's the proof. Science can now explain why men stop listening during emotional arguments with their loved ones.

When To Let Go Of A Handshake

A 3-second handshake conveys trust, control and confidence. But what does holding on too long, or not long enough, say about your personality?

Why Gum Chewers are Better Drivers

News Flash: Chewing gum while you drive can heighten your awareness of movements around you. Find out why!

Why Picky Eaters Don't Get Dates

Find out how being super-picky when ordering a meal can make you look too high maintenance for a second or third date.

Top 3 Things Women Hate in a Man's Apartment

A new poll of online dating websites reveals the top 3 things that no woman wants to see when she visits a date's home for the first time.

Would You Watch a 6-Hour 'Slow Movement' TV Show?

John Tesh speculates that "slow movement TV" may be coming to America. Would you enjoy watching a 6-hour train ride, a person knitting or lambs being born?

New Trend: 3D Replicas of Our Pets

Thanks to new 3D copy technology, pet owners are now able to have 3-dimensional replicas made of their beloved pets, to enjoy after they pass away. It works for people, too!

How a Name Can Boost Your Success

Want to know the one change to make that can help you make more money and be perceived as more likeable... The answer is in this video from our Intelligence For Your Life TV show.

3 Things to Avoid During an Interview

New research reveals the top 3 things company interviewers hate to hear and see during their first meeting with a job-seeker.

Got a Tough Decision? Make it Early

Find out Why making tough decisions in the morning leads to better and more moral results than when we tackle those decisions late in the day.

Top Tip for Making That Big Decision

Find out how dressing for success works helps you make better decisions, even when you're the only one in the room.

What Not to Watch Before Bed

New sleep research reveals that watching the TV financial news late at night is a sure way to stay awake longer. Find out why!

Tips for Dealing With Workplace Bullies

Bullying is a big problem in the workplace just as it is in the schoolyard. Get some body language tips in this video for putting bullies in their place.

Top 4 Signs You've Discovered Your Passion

Do you know what your true passion in life really is? Watch this video to learn the 4 signs that show you're doing what you're most passionate about.

A Messy Desk Can Get You Fired

A new survey reveals what a cluttered desk says about your personality and work habits, and that bosses often consider firing employees with super-messy work areas.

Why Your Weight May Affect Your Salary

Fascinating new research reveals that thin women are more highly paid, but thin men make less than heavier men. Find out why this might be true.

Reasons to Beware of Free Grocery Store Samples

he latest market intel reveals that we're 35% more likely to buy more when we accept free samples. Find out why these interruptions are expensive.

Excellent Reasons to Downsize Your Work Wardrobe

Having a "trademark look" for work, can prevent "decision fatigue," which wastes time and money.

Boost Your Mood With Cash in Hand

New research proves holding cash in our hand can make us feel good about ourselves, and even reduce pain! Get the details in this video.

Using Your Imagination to Boost Weight Loss

New weight-loss intel: If you want to eat less for dinner, try visualizing what you ate for lunch. Get more weight-loss tips in this video.

Shocking Places Bacteria Lurk in Restaurants

You'll be shocked by where the most germs are hiding out in your favorite restaurants. And they aren't in the food.

5 Reasons It's Good to be Old

Five humorous, but fairly accurate, reasons we don't mind getting old include being considered wise, and wearing whatever we want to.

The Secret Solution for Reducing Crankiness

New research shows that drinking plenty of water can change our moods, reduce headaches and many other health benefits.

Improving Your Memory by Telling Stories

Find out how kids learn and remember more when adults tell them stories and talk to them about plot and details.

Tips for Taking Notes to Boost Your Memory

New research reveals the best way to take notes when you really want to remember what's been said.

How Gardening Helps You De-Stress

Gardening is fun, but did you know that planting and caring for a garden can do your body and mind a world of good?

Top 3 Tips for Being More Energetic

Find out psychologists' top three secrets to having more energy throughout the day, starting early in the morning.

Why Spicy, Stinky Foods Can Make You Eat Less

Eating more highly-spiced foods can make you eat less, even while enjoying the taste more, according to researchers at Cornell University.

An Easy Trick to Boost Your Brainpower

Researchers reveal that learning to do this one simple trick every day can help keep your brain at the top of its game.

Power Through Your Day With 'Drop Naps'

Find out how this kind of very short nap is even better than a "power nap."

What Your Shower Says About You

Fascinating new research reveals what your style of showering says about your personality. Don't miss this video!

Are Texts More Honest Than Phone Calls?

Research shows you're more likely to get an honest answer in a text than in person or over the phone, but why is that true?

Some Old Phones Are Back in Demand

Want to make up to $1,300? You'll be inspired to check your junk drawer for an old cell phone after watching this video.

The 5 Most Infuriating Tech Habits Revealed

A new survey reveals which behaviors by users of cellphones, tablets and other tech gadgets are the most annoying to the rest of us.

5 Sounds Kids Today Don't Recognize

A rotary phone and a typewriter are two of the common sounds of yesteryear that today's youngsters don't recognize. Find out what the next 3 are!

How Seeing a Cell Phone Distracts Us

A top psychologist reveals what the sight of our cell phones does to our ability to concentrate on the business at hand.

A Midlife Crisis Leads to Posting More Selfies

New study reveals who's taking more selfies, men or women. You'll be shocked and amused at the findings.

4 Items Most Often Stolen From Hotel Rooms

Travel experts reveal which items you can legally take, and what items are most often stolen from hotel rooms.

3 Tips for Enjoying a More Perfect Vacation

Scientific survey offers tips to help you enjoy your weekends and vacations more, including planning ahead so you look forward to it longer.

Why Camping is a Better Vacation Than a Resort

Whether you're looking to save money, increase family togetherness or enjoy Nature, more people are discovering the joys of camping.

The Secret to Changing Minds

When you really want to change someone's mind about something, there's one "magic phrase" that almost guarantees you the greatest chance for success.

How Sharing Your Dreams Brings You Closer

If you trust your partner enough to share even your weirdest dreams with them, your relationship is probably going to last.

Sleep in Sync With Your Partner

Couples who go to bed and wake up at the same time report higher levels of satisfaction with the quality of their sleep and their relationship.

Why Men are Attracted to Beautiful Hair

Ladies, you know you feel more attractive when you're having a fabulous hair day, but did you know guys are more attracted to beautiful hair than a revealing outfit?

How Scary Movies Help You Bond

Psychologists explain why watching a scary movie with a date can help bring you closer together. But how scary is too scary?

The No. 1 Reason He's 'Mr. Right'

The most important sign that a new guy is a keeper is his willingness to help you out. Get the details in this new IFYL video.

4 Signs That Your Date is Really Into You

The latest relationship intel reveals which body language cues can signal that your new love interest is really interested in you.

What Does it Mean When He Talks Like You?

Another sign that someone is really into you is when he starts talking like you! Get the details in this IFYL video.

How Walking Together Helps You Resolve Arguments

Taking a walk together when you're having a disagreement with your partner can help you realize you do want to go in the same direction together.

5 Things You Should Never Do For Love

A new poll of relationship experts reveals 5 things you should never let your partner talk you into doing. No. 1 on the list is getting a tattoo!

Most Women Prefer Men With Jobs

A survey of dating websites reveals women are "unlikely" to accept a date from an unemployed man. Advice: Get a job before posting a dating profile.

5 Worst Things to Say to Your Husband

A recent poll lists 5 things you should never say to your husband, beginning with "I do everything around here!"

Why People are Stealing Cheese

Can you believe it? Cheese is now the most shoplifted food item in American grocery stores. Find out why!

How Dishonesty Becomes Contagious

John, Connie and Gib discuss why dishonesty is contagious. And find out why the sound of your cell phone ringing can be more stressful than a baby crying.

Why Delayed Gratification Boosts Our Happiness Level

Science reveals the surprising reasons we feel better when we have to wait for a purchase to arrive.

Shocking Origin of the Phrase 'Hang Nail'

Gib goes to the "Etymological Corner" to explain how an "ang nail" became a "hang nail" in modern English. You'll be surprised!

Signs Your Guy Is A Jerk

A new survey reveals what women think makes a guy "a jerk," including he's a doormat or he texts others during your date.

How Kiwi Fruit and Gardening Calm Us Down

Fascinating new research reveals: Playing in the dirt could replace Prozac, kiwi helps you sleep, and more.

Why Women Don't Like Relationship Surprises

This "90 Seconds Of Intel" segment includes surprising new research on why women don't like surprises and why round furniture feels more welcoming.

Is Your Date Interested in You?

Find out what "over-laughing" should tell you about whether your date likes you or is just pretending.

Which Is Worse? Food Bacteria; Home vs Office Work

A new study reveals we get more work done at home than at the office. Find out why! And would you eat a piece of pizza left out overnight, or dropped on the floor?

Which is Worse? Boss Teeth Cleanliness, Coffee Sips vs. Straws

Do you tell a boss they have spinach in their teeth? And what causes more harm: sipping coffee from a cup or a straw?

Surprising Things People Do in an Office Restroom

Don't miss this: Large survey reveals what some people are doing in those office bathroom stalls.

Surprising New Wedding Trends

Find out how millennials are celebrating their nuptials, and what they're hiring someone else to do.

Shopping Opinion Apps

Receive instant feedback from fashion savvy strangers with this latest shopping app.

Coffee Naps: The 20-Minute Pause That Refreshes

Surprising new study explains why you can fall asleep after drinking coffee, and how long a "coffee nap" lasts.

Carrying A Guitar Gets You Dates

New research proves that carrying a guitar increases a man's chance of getting dates, but it doesn't work for women.

Talking to Your Baby Leads to Earlier Speech

New research explains the many positive effects of talking often to your baby.

The Most Hated Word in English

New Yorker magazine asked its readers which word they would most like to delete from the English language. You'll be surprised!

Simple Test to Find Out if You're a Tech Addict

Answering a few questions about your online and gadget habits will reveal whether you're a "tech addict," or you just love gadgets.

Why Cracked Phone Screens Are a New Status Symbol

Learn how a cracked screen on your cellphone tells your friends you are really cool and financially independent!

How to Get a First-Class Upgrade

A new survey reveals that if you're friendly and polite, you may be first in line for a first-class seat on your next flight.

Help Your Pet Avoid Doggy Dementia

New studies reveal half of all canine pets will get "doggy dementia" by a certain age. Learn some tips for keeping your dog's brain sharper longer.

A Simple Trick to Reduce Dog Anxiety

Does your dog get anxious easily? This simple life hack will help to de-stress your dog and possibly even help him sleep better.

Why We Love Our Dogs Like Family

We love our pets so much that 90% of dog owners say their dogs are "full-fledged family members." How would you rate your love for your canine "baby?"

What Men Really Think About Women Who Cuss

Guys: How do you feel about women swearing? We'll tell you what the latest research says.

Signs He's Really In Love With You

Not sure if your man is in deep? Watch this video to discover some surprising but telltale signs that your man really is in love with you.

Secrets of a Happy Relationship

Find out what to do to create that magic formula for a happy relationship, on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Top 2 States Where You'll See More 'Man Buns'

New survey says 3 out of 5 women would never date a guy wearing a "man bun," and reveals the 2 states where you're most likely to see them.

Travel Preferences of Millennials

Unlike their Baby Boomer parents and grandparents, the millennial generation wants smaller hotel rooms and more room to mingle.

Another Great Reason to Play More Online Games

Neuroscientists find that playing certain kinds of games on your cell phone or tablet can actually raise your IQ. Find out which ones here.

Which Is Worse? Food And Beverage Edition

A new study shows that we may be drinking as many calories as we eat, or even more. Compare these pairs of foods and beverages to find out why!

Online Dating Red Flags

A top relationship expert reveals 3 red flags you might come across in an online dating profile. And why should you run at the first use of the word "technically."

Immature Men

A new study reveals 30% of women end relationships because of this one issue. Find out women's top complaints about their men, and why men reach emotional maturity later in life.

5 Lies People Tell For a First-Class Seat

New survey reveals that 1 in 5 people stoop to telling sympathy-generating lies to get upgraded from coach to first class.

Are Saggy Selfies Bringing You Down?

The super-close-up selfie craze is a boon for plastic surgeons. A new survey reveals the reasons, and the fastest-growing facial procedures.

Which Is Worse? Candy Edition

Find out why choosing red licorice over black has health benefits, and whether chocolate-covered raisins are healthier than yogurt-covered varieties.

How To Find Your Car

The latest in memory research reveals an important trick for increasing your brain's ability to recall important info - like where you parked your car.

Cat Apps

Find out about some new apps for your iPad or other tablet that can help Fluffy look and feel fitter and younger.

Why Cats Seek Out Strange Places

Cats are heat-seeking animals, which explains their sometimes odd choices about sleeping quarters and positions.

What Your Dog Wants to Tell You

Experts reveal the top 3 things dogs want their people to understand about them.

Are you a Textrovert?

New intel highlights people who are oh-so-clever when texting, but clam up in a real conversation.

How to Be a Job Interview Superstar

Get the latest job interview tips in this video. Find out what you should always do, and what never to do when interviewing for a new job.

Daily Mood Boosters

Find out which activities and foods boost feel-good hormones and what color highlighters to use for an extra burst of happiness.

Things Your Teen Must Know Before Leaving Home

Does your high schooler make a simple meal, do laundry and say "thank you?" Find out what they really need to know before they leave home.

Is Your Dog More Precious Than Family?

Would you be more upset if your dog or a family member passed away? Find out what a new survey says.

Are You Committing 'Netflix Adultery?'

"Netflix Adultery" is the new term for watching your favorite shows alone instead of waiting to watch them with your partner. And 1 in 5 of us lie about it!

What Not to Binge Watch Before Bedtime

Not surprisingly, watching stressful TV shows raises our stress levels. So if you must binge watch before bed, go for comedies, not crime dramas, experts advise.

How Women's Excuses Differ From Men's

A fascinating new survey reveals the differences between men's and women's excuses when they're pulled over for speeding.

How to Sell Your Home to Younger Buyers

What's the best way to sell your home to younger buyers? Lots of photos online and a whole lot more.

Why High Heels Are Hurting Us at Home

Home is where most high heel injuries happen -- injuries severe enough to send women to the emergency room. Find out about the danger zones in this video.

What 10-Year-Olds Want to Be When They Grow Up

A fascinating new poll reveals the surprising careers that 10-year-olds say they want to have. More than 1 in 3 wants to be a celebrity.

Why 'Calm Down' is a Relationship-Buster

Want to mend a fight with your partner? Our experts say leaving the words "calm down" out of the conversation can save your relationship!

Why Bonding With Our Pet 'Kids' is Healthy

Many people refer to their pets as "my kids." The latest research shows that this close bonding is a positive thing for your brain.