About Connie Sellecca


Featured Videos

Doggy Nose Prints

A dog's nose print is like a human fingerprint, and it's a booming business.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Ever wake up in the morning why your breath smells so bad? Watch this video with Connie to figure out how to hack it!

Beware The Licensing Effect

Many of us think that exercising gives us "license" to eat more food because it will offset our caloric intake. Watch the video to find out how we can cut back on this and pay more attention to it.

Why Did I Get Dumped?

Did you get dumped & you have no idea why? Connie will tell you why one Harvard psychologist says you're better off NOT knowing why - and not getting closure!

Toddlers And Reading

Connie Sellecca offers the latest expert tips for helping your toddler get ready to read, and to enjoy being read to.

Talk To Your Baby Bump

Find out what the latest research says about talking and singing to your unborn child, and how mom's voice affects baby's brain.

Veggies And Skin Tone

New research proves you can improve your skin tone in just 3 weeks by adding one small change to your diet.

Chocolate Boosts Our Mood

Find out what kind of chocolate, and how much, can raise your spirits.

Relationship Red Flags

Does your partner avoid arguments or blame you for everything? And what do your family and friends think about your new relationship? Find out what matters and what doesn't.

Health Benefits Of Lemon

New research shows how lemons boost your immune system, help you lose weight and more.

Germs On Phones

Find out how many thousands of bacteria are living on your cell phone, and why you shouldn't worry about them.

Irritating Facebook Couples

Connie reveals the type of Facebook couple that's most irritating to their friends, and how not to be like them.

Overspending Prevention

Connie explains what the latest consumer research says about why, when and where we overspend.

How Your Dog Tells You a Storm is Coming

When the weather's about to change, dogs may flatten their ears, pace back and forth and exhibit other anxious behaviors.

Bond With Your Dog by Locking Eyes

There's nothing like the bond between a human and their dog. Find out why eye contact plays a huge role in creating that bond.

Your Dog Can Keep You Healthy

Connie Sellecca reveals how many miles most dogs walk during their lifetimes, and how many calories you could burn by walking along with them.

How Yellow Affects Our Moods

Connie Sellecca explains why wearing yellow makes us happy, and why you shouldn't have bright yellow walls.

Tips for Reading Your Horse's Moods

Animal behavior experts explain how we can tell what a horse is feeling by how they hold their ears -- and so can other horses.

Which Dogs are Abandoned Most Often?

New research reveals the different breeds of dogs that are most likely to be abandoned by their owners, and what they have in common.

Noseprints Can ID Your Dog

Just like human fingerprints, dogs' noseprints are unique. Connie explains how to take your dog's noseprint.

Lost Dogs Returned More Often Than Cats

New research explains why lost dogs are more likely to be found and returned to their owners than lost cats.

How Eye Contact Helps Us Bond With Our Dogs

Locking eyes with your dog gives you surge of "bonding hormone," and the longer we gaze into their eyes the more hormone is released.

How Alcohol Can Damage Young Teens' Brains and Futures

Connie Sellecca discusses the latest research about early teen risk factors for becoming a binge drinker as an adult

Are You in the Know About Babies?

Connie Sellecca reveals some surprising new facts that might make you the most popular person at your next baby shower.

How to Have a Perfect 'Delivery Day Makeover'

Find out why so many women schedule "delivery day makeovers," and what they're stashing in their bags for their hospital stay.

Tips for Getting Your Teen to Drive Safely

Studies show kids drive differently in someone else's car, especially a parent's -- but is "differently" any safer?

Simple Ways to Stop Your Child's Tantrum

Toddler temper tantrums may be a fact of life, but there are some things you can do to end your child's tantrums sooner. Connie explains how.

Why Your Kids Need More Unstructured Play Time

New research finds that being a "tiger mom," or micromanaging your kids' lives, can deprive them of a very important life skill.

Can Daycare Benefit Your Children?

Recent studies looked at whether youngsters who attend daycare develop better social and academic skills than their stay-at-home peers.

Top 3 Foods that Put Kids in Danger of Choking

Research shows that 3 of children's favorite foods present the greatest danger of getting stuck in their airways. Connie reveals tips for preventing a choking tragedy in your home.

Hot New Trend: Egg-Freezing Parties

Career-minded young women are now attending each other's egg-freezing parties. They're celebrating freezing their own eggs for future use!

The Dangers of Couches for Babies

Pediatricians are warning parents never to lay their baby down for a nap on the couch. Connie Sellecca explains why it's so dangerous.

How 'Boomerang Parents' are Changing Real Estate Values

The latest trend in home-buying is to have separate quarters included for elderly parents, either in the house or elsewhere on the property.

Top Reasons Teens Benefit From Part-Time Work

Connie explains how having a part-time job while in high school helps them succeed in school and in life. But how much work is too much?

How Snoring Leads to Behavior Problems in Kids

Research reveals that children with breathing problems, including snoring, can develop other problems, including behavior issues.

The Hidden Dangers of Baby Walkers

Find out why pediatricians don't like baby walkers, and why some ER docs want them banned.

Boost Your Income With a Second Language

Employers are now paying a premium for multi-lingual employees, so learning another language can really boost your income potential. Connie explains which languages are in most demand.

Don't be Fooled by Lovely Open House Staging

If you're in the market to buy a house, watch this video to find out how not to get tricked by the sights, sounds and smells that sellers use to stage their Open House.

How to Use Parenting Skills to Land a Job

If you're re-entering the job market after being a stay-at-home parent for a while, you should mention your kids. Connie explains how to impress an interviewer with your parenting skills.

Body Language Moves to Use and Avoid at Work

A top body language expert reveals moves to avoid that make us appear weak and insecure, and "power moves" that send messages of strength and confidence.

Why Standing During Meetings Makes Us More Productive

Having a business meeting by sitting around a table isn't good for getting things done. Connie explains why having everyone stand up can move things along.

Top Reasons Men's Desks are Dirtier

Fascinating new research reveals that men's desks have more germs than women's desks. Find out why by watching this video.

How to Recognize Sneaky but Illegal Employer Questions

New intel reveals the kinds of questions interviewers sneak in to get private info about your life without breaking the rules.

Why Job Success is Highest on Monday

New survey of hiring managers reveals that submitting your application on Monday is more likely to land you the job. Connie explains why this happens.

How to Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud

The latest theft intel reveals that thieves are charging smaller amounts on stolen credit cards. Connie Sellecca tells how to protect yourself against credit card fraud.

Top 2 Ways to Stop Irritating People

Whether it's a workplace bully or an irritating relative, there are 2 sure-fire ways to stop their aggressive tactics when they're trying to get you to react.

How Antioxidants in Green Tea Reduce Your Arthritis Risk

Scientific evidence proves that enjoying a cup of tea, or 3 or 4, every day can reduce your risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

6 Tips for Becoming Successful

If you want to be wealthy and successful, get up earlier in the morning and spend less time surfing the web. Connie explains these and other tips in this IFYL video.

Why Saturdays Are So Unhealthy

This video reveals why we make our healthiest choices on Mondays and Tuesdays, and why by Saturday, most of us are no longer eating our best.

Why Spicing Up Your Diet Improves Your Health

Besides making your food taste better, certain spices actually kill bacteria that make you ill. Find out which spices can lower your risk for disease.

3 Great Tips for Better Sleep

If you're having a hard time falling asleep at night, there are a number of things you could be doing to help solve that problem. Here's a video with Connie to help explain it.

6 Foods That Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Can strawberries and carrots really whiten Your teeth? Connie explains how some foods contain plaque-fighting compounds that brighten your smile.

Diet Intel: Save Your Carbs for Dinner

New research reveals that eating carbs throughout the day makes you hungrier. Connie Sellecca explains why saving your carbs for dinner keeps your diet on track.

Improving Your Memory by Telling Stories

Find out how kids learn and remember more when adults tell them stories and talk to them about plot and details.

Why Vinegar is a Secret Weight-Loss Formula

Connie Sellecca explains the latest findings about adding vinegar to your diet to boost your metabolism.

60 Seconds to Better Health

Can you improve your health by doing something for just one minute? Absolutely! Find out about our favorite 60-second tricks in this video.

3 Things That Harm Your Skin

Do you know which foods, drinks and even seasonings should you shun because they harm your skin? Connie Sellecca offers details.

How Eating More Fish Improves Your Health

Find out why canned fish, including tuna and anchovies, are a hot new nutrition trend.

Cook at Home For a Longer Life

Find out why shocking new research shows people who often cook at home enjoy longer lives.

How Garlic Helps Your Skin Stay Younger-Looking

New research explains the science behind how eating garlic every day keeps your skin looking younger longer.

Don't Hit The Mall When You're Hungry

Find out why shopping when you're hungry makes you buy more of everything, not just groceries.

Reasons to Shower Without Thinking

Connie explains how to calm down and lose your stress by showering alone!

The Benefits of 30-Minute Naps

New research reveals the reasons a 30-minute nap can have positive effects on your health and stress levels.

Year-Round Gardening

A new book offers advice on the best kinds of vegetables to grow in your home garden, and which will save you the most money at the grocery store.

Tips for Photographing Your Home to Get it Sold

Connie reveals the latest tips from real estate experts on making sure your home's photos send "welcome home" messages to potential buyers.

How to Protect Your Property From Key Photographers

New technology makes it possible to duplicate keys from nothing more than a photo. Connie offers tips for protecting your home and vehicle.

How Distance to a Store Affects Your Home's Value

Location is the No. 1 consideration when buying a house, but don't forget to consider the location of the nearest grocery store.

Why Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

The old adage is true: good fences do make good neighbors. Connie explains why so many people give their neighbors the cold shoulder.

The Germiest Things in Your Home

A top microbiologist explains why your toilet seat may be the cleanest spot in your home.

Game Addiction: It's Not Just for Kids Anymore

Gaming on our cell phones is messing with our relationships and careers. Connie explains the dangers.

Does a Cell Phone Make You Selfish?

Most people are kind and helpful most of the time. But new research shows exactly how cell phones are changing all that.

Newest Wedding Trend: "Brodal Showers"

Brodal Showers. No... That's not a spelling error. That is a real thing! Step aside ladies, looks like your pre-wedding festivities might have some friendly male competition!

Why Dude Ranches are Buying Bigger Horses

Americans are getting heavier, and so are the horses at dude ranches. Connie Sellecca explains this expensive new trend.

2 Good Reasons to Stay in Your Lane

Researchers discover which is faster: weaving in and out of traffic or staying in one lane. And find out why one driving style is much less expensive.

Scam Trend: Fake Phone Calls

New intel reveals the shocking, least-expected new scam that takes place at hotels. So when you get a call from the front desk, tell them you'll call back.

Why Turbulence in Flight is So Scary

Fear of flying is a common phobia, and turbulence in the air is often the cause. Connie explains why we react so strongly to unexpected motion in a plane.

Germiest Airplane Seats

If you're concerned about avoiding germs during a flight, find out which seats are the germiest and which have advantages for your health.

Why We're Glad Pantyhose are Making a Comeback

It's retro for sure, but nude pantyhose are definitely back "in," even on fashion runways. Find out why older women are glad to see it!

Is This a Date ... or Not?

These days it's hard to know whether it is a date or not. Connie gives us the signs to look for to know for sure whether it's a date or not.

Why Guys Become 'Ghosts' After a Short Relationship

"Ghosting" is the new term for guys who date you for a while, and then fade away, and stop calling or texting. In other words, they become a "ghost."

How Being 'Crazy in Love' Affects Our Brains and Moods

New research gives the details about how and why new love messes with our memory, moods and reason.

Why Humble People Get More Dates

Science proves that hungry people are the angriest, and humble, unconceited people get more dates.

Why Being Irritated is a Good Thing in Relationships

Being irritated at little things your partner does is actually a sign of a good relationship! Connie Sellecca tells us why.

How to Meet and Date Women in Real Life

A top dating expert offers tips and conversation-starters for men looking to meet women in real life, not online.

Pros and Cons of Dating a Vegetarian

Many people who don't eat meat often feel judged by their carnivorous dates. But on the other hand, his food preferences may show he's the sensitive type!

What a 6-Second 'Magic Kiss' Does to Your Hormones

Is your partner giving you more pecks on the cheek than "magic kisses" these days? Start replacing those pecks with 6-second lip-locks. You'll be glad you did!

How Family and Friends Can Make Us Fat

New research reveals why we eat more when dining with others, including family. And learn how we're influenced by the first person to order a meal.

Tips For Giving Compliments People Will Love

Connie tells how the praise men crave differs from the compliments women prefer. You'll be surprised by her tips for making people feel flattered.

Happy Wife, Happy Life

Scientific evidence proves that the old adage "Happy wife, happy life" really is true! Connie explains why it's important for a wife to calm down soon after an argument.

Tips on Passing Some Surprising New Hiring Tests

Connie talks about some unusual and surprising tests you may need to pass during a job interview these days.

How a Cantaloupe Can Fix Your Bad Mood

New research reveals that the vitamins in cantaloupe may work as well as a prescription antidepressant!

Guess What Might Be Hiding In That Beard?

Connie explains why men's beards can be crawling with germs, and what to do about it.

The Science Behind Breakup Pain

Get the scientific explanations about why we're so miserable after a breakup, both physically and emotionally.

Reasons to Turn Off Your Phone's Text Alert

New research discovers how text alerts are messing with our brainpower to make us less productive.

Don't Be Fooled by Cosmetics Sales Gimmicks

Knowing these secret tricks used by cosmetics departments helps you use your head, not your emotions, next time you visit the beauty counter.

Post-Wedding Trend: 'Adventuremoons'

Instead of a honeymoon, couples who love a challenge are planning for an "adventuremoon." Connie explains how couples boost their bonds by going on an adventure after the wedding.

Online Dating Profile Makeup Tips

A picture is worth 1,000 words, or more, when it comes to online dating profiles. Men spend more time studying photos, while words are more important to women.

Ways to Include Exotic Animals in Your Wedding

Today's weddings are for the birds - and burros and butterflies. Including exotic animals in your special ceremony is a sure-fire way to guarantee an unforgettable day.

Get Fit with Your Pet

Learn some animal secrets from the people who know pets best, their veterinarians. Learn the dangers of dog parks and why overweight pets have overweight owners.

How to Meet Her Parents For the First Time

Intel for men: What to say, and what not to mention, to your new girlfriend's parents.

Why Women Love Farming

More and more women are becoming farmers these days, and more than half of America's small farms are now female-owned. Find out why in this video.

Why Divorced Men Make Good Husbands

New relationship intel reveals that divorced men usually make terrific partners. Find out why they're often better the second time around.

Secrets From a Hotel Insider

An insider reveals how hotels decide who gets bumped, how little time housekeepers spend cleaning rooms and much more.

How Antioxidants in Green Tea Reduce Your Arthritis Risks

Connie explains how drinking green tea affects the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

How Our Relationship Status Determines Our Car Choices

Find out the little-known reasons behind our car choices, why we become enraged behind the wheel, and how we can calm down when we do.

New Car Accidents

Ever been in a fender-bender shortly after driving a new car off the lot? Find out why it happens more often than you'd think.

Are You A Jerk?

Most jerks don't even know they're offending people, so how can you tell if you're a jerk? Psychologists say answering this one question can reveal how close to you are to being insensitive and arrogant.

New Trend: Sonograms at the Gym

New research shows a growing number of gyms and personal trainers are using sonograms to reveal body fat.

Flat Stomach Don'ts

Find out how diet soda and simple carbs may expand your waistline.

Child Safety in Bathroom

Get some top safety tips for child-proofing your bathroom for all stages.

Keep Your Memory Sharp

Research shows some surprising ways to work out your brain to keep memory skills sharp.

Annoying Text Alerts

New research discovers how text alerts are messing with our brainpower to make us less productive.

Workplace Intelligence

Office intel: Tips on when to ask for a raise and what your body language should say at meetings.

Tips For Travel Snacks That Keep Your Nose Moist

Take snacks that are spicy and a bit stinky along on your next flight. Your seatmates won't thank you, but your nose just might!

Five Good Deeds Daily Raises Happiness

Connie shares this simple tip for doubling your happiness by focusing on someone else 5 times in a single day. It really works!

Clues That a Friend Would Like to Be More

If you suspect someone wants to take your friendship to another level, listen in as Connie explains some behaviors that should clue you in.

Trees Add Value To Homes

Mature trees around your home? Even one old tree adds thousands of dollars to your home's sale price.

Reasons to Hide Your Cell Phone Around People

Want to impress your date, spouse and co-workers with the quality of your conversation? Connie explains why putting your phone away will do it.

The Dangers of Wearing New Clothes Before Washing Them

Scientific shopping intel reveals some surprising, and scary, reasons that wearing new clothes before washing them can be hurting your health.

Why So Many Successful Marriages Start Online

A new study shows couples who meet on the Internet have happier, longer-lasting relationships than those who meet face-to-face.

The Dangers of Giving Your Dog Pot

Marijuana users may think it's funny to get their dogs high, but the "joke" comes with serious health risks for your pet, including seizures and death, veterinarians report.